Christian Golden Treasury in Cyberspace
(An Electronic Magazine)
Today the world is busy constructing more and more highways in cyberspace, connecting various points of our global village through the Internet. We born again pilgrims, who pitch our tents in the spiritually desert-like city of New York, are burdened to publish an electronic magazine. The purpose is to pave a highway in cyberspace for the KING of our hearts, our Lord Jesus Christ. We are merely a few shovels in the hand of the Holy Spirit, but we join our efforts with numerous other members of the Body of Christ. We desire to contribute in a small way to the great work the Holy Spirit is doing before our Lord's return, as clearly revealed in Isaiah 40:3-5:
Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; make smooth in the desert A HIGHWAY FOR OUR GOD. Let every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; and let the rough ground become a plain, and the rugged terrain a broad valley; then THE GLORY OF THE LORD WILL BE REVEALED, and all flesh will see {it} together; for the mouth of the Lord has spo en. (Isaiah 40:3-5)
Nearest of all
is He --
Dearest of all to me;
Mine in life's lowly ways,
Mine in life's common days:
True, in the time of care,
Fairest, when all is fair;
Strength of my helplessness,
Always at hand to bless:
Secret of joy untold,
Changeless, as years unfold;
Nearest of all is He --
Dearest of all to me!
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The King's Highway
Copyright 2001. All rights reserved.
Revised: 2004/09/20.