A Treasury of Sam Rutherford

pineGRY.gif (10681 bytes)A Treasury of
Samuel Rutherford


  1. Honour God, and shame the roaring lion.
  2. Faith is exceedingly charitable, and believeth no evil of God.
  3. Sigh and long for the dawning of that morning, and the breaking of that day of the coming of the Son of Man, when the shadows shall flee away.
  4. Persuade yourself the King is coming; read His letter sent before Him, "Behold, I come quickly." Wait with the wearied night-watch for the breaking of the eastern sky, and think that ye have not a morrow.
  5. Ye may have, for the seeking, three always in your company:  the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  6. Surely it cannot be long till day. Nay, hear Him say, "Behold I come, my dear Bride; think it not long. I shall be with you at once. I hear you, and am coming. Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus, come quickly, for the prisoners of hope are looking out at the prison windows, to see if they can behold the King's ambassador coming with the King's warrant and the keys.
  7. O thrice fools are we, who like new-born princes weeping in the cradle, know not that there is a kingdom before them!
  8. Our fair morning is at hand; the day-star is near the rising, and we are not many miles from home.
  9. Home! And stay not! For the sun is fallen low, and hides the tops of the mountains, and the shadows are stretched out in great length. Linger not by the way.
  10. . It is better to weep with Jerusalem in the forenoon, than with Babylon after noon, or near the end of the day. Our day of laughter and rejoicing is coming.
  11. .The day is near the dawning; the sky is riving; our Beloved will be on us ere we be aware.
  12. .If ye were not strangers here, the dogs of the world would not bark at you.
  13. .The back of your winter night is broken. Look to the East, the day-sky is breaking. Think not that Christ loseth time, or lingereth unsuitably. O fair, fair and sweet morning!
  14. . I am come to love a rumbling and raging devil best. Seeing we must have a devil to hold the saints waking, I wish a cumbersome devil, rather than a secure and sleeping one.
  15. . I know not a thing worth the buying but heaven.
  16. . I want nothing but a further revelation of the beauty of the unknown Son of God.
  17. . What owe I to the file, to the hammer, to the furnace of my Lord Jesus!
  18. . How many a poor professor's candle is blown out and never lighted again!
  19. . It is now nigh; the Bridegroom's entering into His chamber; let us awake and go in with Him.
  20. . My faith hath no bed to sleep upon but Omnipotency.


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